Gentle Parenting Forum-& Community Rules
We want all our members to feel welcome and valued within a loving and respectful atmosphere. For this to be possible, we require all our Gentle Parenting community members to follow the following rules:
Be a civil member.
Our Gentle-Parenting Community encourages open and candid communication. However, all conversations should be respectful. Differences of opinion are okay; personal attacks are not. Comments, content, or advice that are violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, sexually explicit, offensive, hateful, derogatory, defamatory, or are racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable contributions will be removed.
Stay on the topic.
Comments, questions, and contributions should be relevant to the subject of the specific forum or (sub-)forum. Please ask questions in the (sub-)forums so that our whole Gentle-Parenting Community can help and benefit. Remember and keep in mind that this is not a place for unrequested personal or commercial solicitation or advertising.
Don't post inappropriate content.
If a member uploads inappropriate, pornographic, offensive, abusive, or otherwise objectionable content to our (sub-)forums and sites, this member may be banned from our Gentle-Parenting Community. Our moderators may also edit or altogether remove such posts from any sites or (sub-)forums.
No spam.
No one likes seeing the same content repeatedly posted to one or many (sub-)forums.
Mind copyright law.
Posting copyrighted videos, photos, articles, or other material beyond what is protected as fair use is forbidden. Our Moderators may remove such content from any of Our (sub-)forums and sites.
Accuracy is important.
Creating multiple accounts in the Community is prohibited. If you change your e-mail address, please update your existing Gentle-Parenting account instead of creating a new account.
Respect privacy.
Do not post private or any other information and details you do not want in public (within the Gentle Parenting Community), and respect the privacy of other members, Gentle-Parenting moderators and other employees.
Let our team know.
Our Gentle-Parenting Community team does monitor posts, but we may miss something. We encourage members to report content that they feel violates any of our Community rules so we can review and take reasonable and appropriate action. Even though the views and opinions communicated with experts and other members should follow the Gentle-Parenting standard, we can not guarantee that discussion posts in the forums necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Gentle-Parenting. If you see posts against our Gentle-Parenting standard, please report those contents to our moderators (moderator@gentle-parenting.com).
Your content is your Responsibility.
Please remember that any comments or content you share on the Gentle-Parenting Forums or any other of our sites are entirely your responsibility. Moreover, Gentle-Parenting Community members must read and accept the complete Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Membership Agreement. Users who post content on Gentle-Parenting (sub-)forums, social media, or other of our sites are expected to follow the complete Terms & Conditions and Membership Agreement. We reserve the right (but assume no obligation) to delete, edit, or move any User Content that our Gentle-Parenting team and moderators consider inappropriate or unacceptable, whether for legal or other reasons, on any of Our (sub-)forums and Sites. "User Content" means material members upload, comments they post, or other content members provide to the Gentle-Parenting Community. Behavior by any user that, at the sole discretion of Gentle-Parenting*, restricts or inhibits any other user of the Service from using or enjoying the Service will not be permitted on any of the Services controlled by Gentle-Parenting*. Gentle-Parenting* reserves the right to refuse access to our Services or to terminate Community membership to any member and user for any reason, including, without limitation, a reasonable belief that the user in question has violated these Community Rules, our Terms & Conditions, Membership Agreement, or any other operating rules posted on our (sub-)forums or sites, or any of the copyright or other laws of Switzerland.
Account Deletion
Our Gentle-Parenting team and moderators check the forums regularly to guarantee our members a supportive, loving, and respectful community. If a member continues ignoring the rules and/or cannot accept them, our Gentle Parenting Community is not the right place for them. If moderators repeatedly have to delete inputs of specific members because they go against our rules, members will first be warned and then banned. If you see a post/topic that is against our rules, please do not hesitate to Contact Us and let us know.